Madeira Flower Festival 2007
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Flores do Sol
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Hats
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Rehearsal
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Float Flowers
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/ End of the Parade
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Dresses
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Before the Parade
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Project
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Flores do Sol
I fell in love for sunflowers when a couple of years ago I traveled to some eastern countries, Romania and Bulgaria. In the middle of some misery, poverty, sadness and mist that the nation lived at the time, massive fields of sunflowers shined. It was only there that I saw children playing and running happy as if they lived in a different world, in a magical world.
Later on I found them again in Barcelona, my favorite European city, at the famous Ramblas where all the nice flower salesmen portrayed a little of the unique beauty of the city in buckets filled with sunflowers that embellished the well known public walk. I was again attracted to their color, their shape and glow that the flower transmitted. Irresistible!
The sunflowers aren’t just simple decorative flowers, they represent a will to live, an idealism, a perfect world with piece and harmony. The sunflower has this name because it is a flower that turns its stalk in order to always face the sun. However, in the XIX century they were called “Flowers of the Sun” and this is the name of the parade that I want to present this year with all its elegance and joy that it truly deserves.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Hats
Custom made felt hats decorated with flowers and ribbons for the Madeira Flower Festival show.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Rehearsal
Rehearsal of the group for Madeira Flower Festival Parade.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Float Flowers
Giant flower structures built with iron and wire to be decorated with thousand of flowers for the Madeira Flower Festival float.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/ End of the Parade
I fell in love for sunflowers when a couple of years ago I traveled to some eastern countries, Romania and Bulgaria. In the middle of some misery, poverty, sadness and mist that the nation lived at the time, massive fields of sunflowers shined. It was only there that I saw children playing and running happy as if they lived in a different world, in a magical world.
Later on I found them again in Barcelona, my favorite European city, at the famous Ramblas where all the nice flower salesmen portrayed a little of the unique beauty of the city in buckets filled with sunflowers that embellished the well known public walk. I was again attracted to their color, their shape and glow that the flower transmitted. Irresistible!
The sunflowers aren’t just simple decorative flowers, they represent a will to live, an idealism, a perfect world with piece and harmony. The sunflower has this name because it is a flower that turns its stalk in order to always face the sun. However, in the XIX century they were called “Flowers of the Sun” and this is the name of the parade that I want to present this year with all its elegance and joy that it truly deserves.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Dresses
Making of the custom made dresses for the Madeira Flower Festival show.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Before the Parade
Before the parade all the girls from the group meet to retouch some garment and make up details for the Flower Festival Parade.
Madeira Flower Festival 2007/Project
Project with watercolour drawings of the dresses and hats for the girls and of the float for the Madeira Flower Festival Parade.